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  1. Upgrade your computer or mobile phone rather than buying new ones. Buy refurbished equipment instead of new.
  2. Do not waste food. Buy only what your need. If there are special offers go for them but freeze the extra quantities to make a meal another day.
  3. When shopping at the supermarket for fruit and vegetables take a some brown paper bags with you to avoid using the supermarket plastic bags.
  4. Buy your staples locally and plastic free. At the E-shop in Barton street, Tewkesbury you can buy dried fruit, cereals, nuts, vinegars and oils etc. Take your own containers or brown bags and have the satisfaction of knowing your purchases are plastic free and you only buy the amount you need.
  5. You can save money by ensuring you use all the product in a plastic tube – such as toothpaste - before buying another. Cut them open up to a third of the way up to access all the unused product.
  6. Plan your meals to avoid waste. Did you know that in the UK 20 million whole slices of bread are thrown away every day?
  7. Use greaseproof paper instead of clingfilm to wrap food.
  8. Give loved ones experiences rather than things e.g. theatre trips, boat trip on the river or a meal out. If its got to be a thing house plants are always a good option.
  9. Before buying any more new clothes try to not buy for a year or if that’s too big a challenge try for a month or use the charity shops.
  10. Next time you have the impulse to buy a new book to read borrow it from the Library or a friend or try a second hand book shop instead of buying a new one.
  11. Stop drinking bottled water-use tap water or buy a water filter.
  12. Bathroom cleaners - It’s time to ditch the harsh chemical cleaners! Switch to plant powered cleaners ‘kissed’ with essential oils for the non-porous surfaces. Plus, it’s safer for you, your family and the planet.
  13. Ditch disposables for reusables to help reduce waste and save resources. Switch to reusable water bottles, coffee cups, and grocery bags. Just remember to wash them regularly – nobody wants a stinky container!
  14. Did you know that embracing a plant-based diet can help animals and the environment? By reducing your consumption of animal products, you can save resources, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and, of course, protect our animal friends. Plus, plants are delicious! (Shh, don't tell them we said that.)
  15. Consider using plastic free paper and plastic free Sellotape to wrap you parcels and presents. Be kind to the environment.
  16. I am sure you know that BNatural in Barton Street is closing its doors, and I am very sad because I just can't see myself going back to buying stuff in plastic packages, or not reusing the plastic bottles for liquids. So I have started thinking and have come up with some ideas. If you are interested, or have any other ideas, please contact me Sophie Franklin.
  17. Swap your clingfilm for reusable beeswax wraps.
  18. Do trawl the charity shops regularly lots of nearly new “stuff” – and avoid always buying new.
  19. In an effort to reduce the amount of plastic waste try and buy sauces etc. in glass or metal containers.
  20. Reduce your cotton wool usage. 1 kg of cotton takes 20,000 litres of water to make. Try to use washable reusable make-up cloths and pads.
  21. When buying plants, is the container biodegradable? Is the plant good for insects, choose plants with simple flowers, they are more likely to attract bees and butterflies? Use peat free compost.
  22. Check your packaging on purchases as most supermarkets will accept the soft plastic packaging for recycling. Most products carry information regarding recycling.