Latest News
Sorry to mention the ‘C’ word so early but the Christmas Leprosy Mission catalogue is now available, and it is always best to get orders in early to avoid disappointment of ‘selling out’
Please take a catalogue, (and maybe pass it onto friends), as I would like to put an order in by the end of September. Many thanks Gill.
Jayne is keen to lead a short service of Holy Communion every other week, starting in October. It is likely to be a Wednesday morning at 10.30am for about half an hour followed bycoffee. Afterwards there will be a time of meditation/silent prayer for those who wish to be part of the current Desert Soul. If you would welcome this please speak to one of the church stewards. Many thanks.
TMC Outreach Worker JOB Vacancy
Cobalt Unit Collections I am delighted to take over the “Cobalt Unit Collections “from Christine Surridge. It only needs your small change - I, 2, 5p and maybe 10 and 20 pence.Every penny counts. Today I handed over just
under £20 pounds and collect a new assortment of Greetings cards as well as a large selection of Christmas cards, which are displayed at the back of the church. Please help support this very vital charity. Thank you to everyone for all the pennies I have just counted. Wendy Allen
I have a contact locally for donations for Ukraine (a lorry leaves regularly from Pershore) – we are donating our toys and equipment no longer used at Church – and if anyone would like to donate any of the following I can pass these on. Furcoats (no longer acceptable apparel in this country but still of use in Ukraine),
Children’s clothing, toiletries, dressings, paracetemol, unwanted in date prescription tablets, small Christmas gifts for children such as colouring books, paints, paint by number kits, crayons, small toys and sweets.
Please pass to me over the next few Sundays.
Dr Stuart Hutchison (07957 912584) would love to hear from local people willing to help with the talking therapy provided by Chaplains for Wellbeing through any Tewkesbury GP.
There is no upper age limit and there are spaces on the next two-day course (3rd October).
If you haven't heard about the chaplaincy, please prayerfully read the leaflet at
Thank You. Dave Amies TCT
We are starting a scheme whereby our members can make a donation for flowers displayed in the church in memory of a loved one or in celebration of a special occasion. We suggest a minimum donation of £10 to cover a fortnight period , and we will display a card marking the occasion whether it be in memory or celebration. There is a calendar on a clipboard in the vestibule for you to choose your date and the wording of the card. We hope you will support the scheme as this will both help with expenses towards flowers and also mark a significant occasion.
Thank you to Jenny and Wendy for organizing this.
Tewkesbury Accepted on the Inclusive Church Register
We are delighted to report that we have been accepted on the Inclusive Church Register. This means that those people who may feel uncomfortable in visiting a church for whatever reason be it because of a disability, gender issue, sexuality or feeling socially isolated, can refer to the register to learn of churches where they will be made unconditionally welcome. We are one of those churches. I believe we are well known for our “welcomes”, be it to services or to coffee mornings and so continuing these welcomes to all who enter our building will not be difficult.