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Tewkesbury Methodist Church is a welcoming family church in the centre of this historic market town, where the main roads meet by the town Cross War Memorial.


The church building comprises of 3 main hireable rooms: The main church worship area internally linked to the Church hall and smaller meeting room.

We have an industrial kitchen for large special event lunches e.g. Christmas, Christian aid lunches and other large events throughout the year. In addition we also have smaller kitchen for after church service tea and coffee, and coffee mornings.

For the services in the church we have an industrial projector and screen, church sound system and a hearing aid loop system installed.

The church buildings are bookable. For more information please contact  Andrew May via: 

By phone:-  Jean Davies: (01684)  772 178    or   Andrew May: 0778 678 3169.

Children's Area

We have children’s books and toys, designed to keep babies and very young children happy while their parents participate in worship.

Informal Chat Space

At the back of the church we have comfy arm chairs and coffee tables for informal meetings or just for sitting and chatting after the service or during open church coffee mornings from 10:00 to 12:00 on Saturday.

More information

History of the Church

Church's History wall plaques

Walk Around the Church Leaflet

Stained Glass Windows Description  -  Research & Photographs by David Charles Smith.

                                                                       We give our thanks to David for his work.

125 Years at The Cross  - A gallery of pictures and cuttings showing Tewkesbury Methodist Church's history and past activities.  (It takes a few seconds to load.)

Want to find out more? Then why not get in touch.

     Tewkesbury - Gloucestershire Methodist Circuit details

Charity no: 1179000